When you need visitors, leads and sales now, PPC is the fastest method out there! If you are not familiar with PPC, it stands for pay-per-click, just like it sounds you are paying each time someone clicks your ad.

Websites like Google, Facebook, & Bing are some of the most popular websites online. This traffic makes them a great place to advertise. Typically this is where buyers will go right before they make a buying decision.

In addition to the search engines, there are thousands of other websites you can use to advertise your business. The key is making sure you’re in front of your target audience without wasting money. That is where we come in!

At Growth Marketing, we help you get the most out of each dollar you spend on PPC marketing.

What is PPC?

PPC can involve using Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Retargeting, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, & more. Typically they charge each time someone clicks your ads. However, there are other methods including:

Each method has pros and cons depending on the industry and platform. It is important to know what works best for your target market. Otherwise, you can end up throwing money away.

What Works Best for My Industry?

What will work best depends on a number of factors. We have years of experience in dozens of industries working with paid media to get our clients the maximum return on investment (ROI).

Without proper knowledge, these forms of advertising can get very expensive. Think about it, if an ad costs $10+ per click and is not properly setup the costs can get very expensive quickly.

However, when set up correctly, it’s just like printing money. If a business pays $80 for four leads and turns one into a sale that nets them $800 in profit, they are buying money at a discount.

What Works Best with PPC?

One of the best niches for PPC is emergency services. When people have an emergency, like a pipe bursting they need help now. This buyer isn’t going to spend hours doing research on the best or cheapest company; they simply want someone to fix their pipe as soon as possible. Typically they’ll call the first number they see.

Next is very competitive terms. Often the process of ranking with SEO for these terms can take months. With PPC, they can show up tomorrow and start getting leads for their terms while the SEO traffic is building.

What Works Best with Retargeting?

Retargeting also known as remarketing is a form of advertising that is new in the last few years. It involves a lead coming to your site and then leaving. Normally this would be a lost sale, and the visitor would never return. Retargeting tracks visitors and when those visitors land on other large sites like CNN, Fox News, and Weather.com that site will show your ad.

You may have seen this if you were looking at a product on Amazon, then later that day started seeing ads for that product.

This form of advertising works great for businesses that have a longer sales cycle. It will build brand awareness for your company, and customers will begin to perceive you as the industry expert.

Large companies like Coca-Cola and Geico spend billions of dollars a year to achieve this. These companies use TV ads, radio, direct mail, and billboards, but you can get a similar result for a few dollars a day.

If you have never seen this in action, it is one of the best forms of advertising invented in the last hundred years.

When is Pay per Impression Recommended?

This form of advertising can work great for a large number of industries. The key is having your banner, website and conversion optimization dialed in to maximize ROI. Most campaigns start out paying per click because tweaks will need to be made to learn how buyers respond to your marketing.

Once properly optimized, a business can switch to pay per impression this usually lowers advertising costs.

In the example above, we spoke of a business spending $10 per click. When the campaign starts, they may only receive one click per thousand impressions. As time goes on, we continually optimize the ads more people will begin clicking your ads.

At a certain point, it will become less expensive by switching to pay per impression. This switch gives a much larger ROI than before.

Why Pay Per Call or CPA?

In certain niches, you can pay per lead that you’re receiving. Meaning another company does the advertising and conversion optimization. They send the traffic to you, and you simply pay each time you receive a lead.

The costs are typically high per lead because someone else is paying those other marketing costs.

The CPA model can save you time and money because you don’t have to invest the time in optimizing ads, lead capture pages and buying traffic that doesn’t convert into a lead.

Using this advertising method, it is vital that you know your numbers. The number of leads you need to make a sale will determine how much you can pay per lead.

The Pay per call and CPA methods can be a great option for more established businesses that have a great sales funnel.

Why Choose Growth Marketing?

Our team of experts have been working with businesses both large and small for over five years. While some of the exact tactics have changed the strategy has stayed the same. Buy visitors and convert them into customers for less than you are spending on traffic.

It can be overwhelming for businesses to think about all the pieces involved in creating a paid media campaign, which is where we come in.

We have created a process to learn about your business and your ideal customers. We take the time to research trends, create high converting ads, optimize the landing page and convert visitors into leads and sales for your business.

Our team at Growth Marketing has everything you need to launch and manage a successful PPC campaign to maximize your ROI.

Our step-by-step process includes a complete evaluation and analysis of your business. Including strategies customized to fit your business niche, PPC campaigns with keyword selections that minimize your cost and maximize your return.

We optimize your landing page to convert visitors into leads and then sales for your business

We monitor, track, and evaluate each campaign′s performance with our PPC management tools and software. This level of tracking will ensure you get the most value for your ad spend dollars.

Monthly reports are provided for you so you can analyze how your PPC campaigns are progressing and converting into sales.

Give us a call today to discuss how we can help GROW your business with this highly effective marketing strategy.